I hear loud voices…

The universe finally heard someone’s requests and I was saturated with inspiration. Hundreds of important, sublime and shrill words persistently demand to get on paper. And a happy and excited author can no longer curb this pressure and begins his story about Fialta English Club.

It’s not a story about lessons, boring tasks and grumpy teachers. But this is about fellowship, self-education, improvisation and humor. There is a place where kindly and friendly people come. Or maybe this place makes them so… Probably, this is exactly what miracles happen to be. I increasingly convinced that we can act regardless the physical laws of this world.

I wouldn’t like to say that all the guys who come here are the same. Everyone finds something that he needs. It can be practice of speaking English skills, new friends, brainstorming contests or just sincerely warm smiles. It makes no difference why I am here on this particular day. I always leave this place with tons of positive energy.

Each evening will give you a possibility to participate in different exciting activities. Mostly in team activities, by the way. Perhaps at first your neurons will be shocked, but then they will like it for sure. It will be an excellent moment to make your personal breakthrough, buddy. Of course, there is a host, who masterfully leads these meetings, explains all the rules for newbies and announces coffee breaks. Afterwards you will be pleased to realize that cookies are always tasty in this space.

So, you can get here every Friday at 7.30 pm on Kropotkina street 44, office 307, 3 floor if you qualify in a VK group. Fialta Club is based on free donations. Don’t hesitate to bring here any fruits, sweet-stuff or amount of money.

The rest of the details are here:
