I hear loud voices…

The universe finally heard someone’s requests and I was saturated with inspiration. Hundreds of important, sublime and shrill words persistently demand to get on paper. And a happy and excited author can no longer curb this pressure and begins his story about Fialta English Club.

It’s not a story about lessons, boring tasks and grumpy teachers. But this is about fellowship, self-education, improvisation and humor. There is a place where kindly and friendly people come. Or maybe this place makes them so… Probably, this is exactly what miracles happen to be. I increasingly convinced that we can act regardless the physical laws of this world.

I wouldn’t like to say that all the guys who come here are the same. Everyone finds something that he needs. It can be practice of speaking English skills, new friends, brainstorming contests or just sincerely warm smiles. It makes no difference why I am here on this particular day. I always leave this place with tons of positive energy.

Each evening will give you a possibility to participate in different exciting activities. Mostly in team activities, by the way. Perhaps at first your neurons will be shocked, but then they will like it for sure. It will be an excellent moment to make your personal breakthrough, buddy. Of course, there is a host, who masterfully leads these meetings, explains all the rules for newbies and announces coffee breaks. Afterwards you will be pleased to realize that cookies are always tasty in this space.

So, you can get here every Friday at 7.30 pm on Kropotkina street 44, office 307, 3 floor if you qualify in a VK group. Fialta Club is based on free donations. Don’t hesitate to bring here any fruits, sweet-stuff or amount of money.

The rest of the details are here:


They don’t give bad marks here, but potatoes are deliciously fried

Don’t rush to fall on your favorite sofa after work on Monday. If you want to spend this evening somehow especially and non-standard, drop in to Lido cafe on Independence Avenue 49/1. And delicious fried potatoes are not the only reason to do this. The last few years on Mondays, there are traditionally meetings of the English Conversation Club.

This place can become a starting point for newbies and an additional way for people who practice English constantly. And of course, it can be interesting for foreigners, who want to get acquainted with the locals and talk with them. It is very easy to start participate in these meetings. Just come on Monday after 7 PM and join any table at which people speak English. During the evening you should buy at least one dish or a beverage at this cafe.

There are no obligatory topics that you should discuss. It can be something about winter migration of blue whales, about new smartphone throwing records or about the traditions of the Masai tribe. But first I recommend to tell the girl opposite you that she has a pretty smile. Further you will probably find something to talk about. Anyway, don’t miss the opportunity to ask your interlocutor about things that are really interesting to you. Because if not today, then when?

Most club visitors are locals, but frequently foreigners from different countries visit this significant place. Here you can meet programmers, engineers, students, freelancers, teachers, travelers and even, believe me, firefighters. Traditionally, the atmosphere is warm and relaxed. Regardless whether you want to perfect your speaking skills or just want to make new friends, you will have a great time here.

Find out more: https://vk.com/club15675163

P. S. No critic was hurt while writing this article.

Here we go again!!!

Today is perfect day to start writing articles in English, I guess. You would ask me, what’s happened, dude? Let’s assume that several black holes encountered near our planet and I have got magical insight because of this. Or a trip… Anyway, I realized that it is extremely important to post on this website articles for our English speaking audience too.

It’s not a secret that there are many ways to learn English nowadays. And we will suggest you to pay attention to one of them. Our saint, ambitious and manic goal is to drag you into the world of live communication, which you can discover if one day you visit one of the English speaking clubs presented here. Also, we will glad if our website will be useful for our foreign visitors who want to get to know local people better and make new friends. Moreover, you will find out here some life hacks that will make your learning process more fun, non-trivial and productive.

So, the lights of our next stop are already visible.